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free Virtual Reality Toolbox™ 4.7 (6)

Virtual Reality Toolbox™ 4.7 from
Animate and visualize Simulink systems in three dimensions

Model of an airplane during takeoff, created using Simulink. The Virtual Reality Toolbox animates the virtual world in the Web browser window during simulation.
The Virtual Reality Toolbox™ lets you view and interact with dynamic system simulations in a 3-D virtual reality environment. The toolbox links MATLAB® and Simulink® with virtual reality graphics, enabling MATLAB or Simulink to control the position, rotation, and dimensions of the 3-D images defined in the virtual reality environment. The result is a presentation-quality 3-D animation.
Through visualization, the Virtual Reality Toolbox product provides insight into the dynamic systems that you model in Simulink. You can use these viewing capabilities in automotive, aerospace, communication, biological, and mechanical applications. Read more

free : 3D articles: 3-D Holography Breakthrough: Erase And Rewrite In Minutes (3)

3-D Holography Breakthrough from

University of Arizona optical scientists have broken a technological barrier by making three-dimensional holographic displays that can be erased and rewritten in a matter of minutes.
The holographic displays -- which are viewed without special eyewear -- are the first updatable three-dimensional displays with memory ever to be developed, making them ideal tools for medical, industrial and military applications that require "situational awareness."

"This is a new type of device, nothing like the tiny hologram of a dove on your credit card," UA optical sciences professor Nasser Peyghambarian said. "The hologram on your credit card is printed permanently. You cannot erase the image and replace it with an entirely new three-dimensional picture." Read more

free : 3D articles: 3D Web Search (2)

Introducing 3D Web Search from

Visit your favorite search engine, type in your search term and you may find yourself spending all afternoon clicking
back and forth between a list and the web pages you are looking for. Not anymore. With SpaceTime's™ 3D Web Search, you choose your search engine from the drop down menu, type in your search term and enjoy the experience as SpaceTime™ displays all your search results at once in our patent pending interface. Enjoy the perks that immediate visualization has to offer as you save time, eliminate clicks and find the web pages you are looking for at a fraction of the time. Read More

free : The virtual reality: Project Wonderland: Toolkit for Building 3D Virtual Worlds (4)

Project Wonderland from
Project Wonderland is a 3D scene manager for creating collaborative virtual worlds. Within those worlds, users can communicate with high-fidelity, immersive audio and can share live applications such as web browsers, OpenOffice documents, and games.

Contributed by: The Project Wonderland Team @ Sun.

The virtual reality : IBM Sensors Link Real World and Virtual World (4)

IBM Sensors Link Real World and Virtual World from

UgoTrade has a lengthy write-up of some of the work IBM has been doing in the virtual world of Second Life lately. [Via IBM’s Rob Smart.] The blog entry is all about creating links between the real world and the virtual world, so that sensor data and other information can be visualized in Second Life on a real-time basis. In the screenshot above, “The blue balls with white designs represent active Bluetooth devices. The pyramids scattered about the floor represent other people working, with the color designating things like physical presence or telepresence,” according to UgoTrade. This is just one kind of application that could start to make Second Life a much more useful place. I’d love to see entities and conditions being tracked around SL in real time. Why? Because there’s a ton of information to be extracted from a digital environment, which can then be applied to real-world problems from logistics to marketing to sociology, you name it. That said, this won’t start to get really interesting until we have a nearly plug-n-play solution. Which is probably one of the things IBM is working on. Keep your sensors tuned. Read more.

3D tools : Inventor 2D to 3D Tool (2)

Inventor 2D to 3D Tool from

The 2D to 3D tool for Autodesk Inventor helps you create 3D models of parts that were designed in 2D. Yesterday we posted an updated version of the tool on Autodesk Labs. The new version is compatible with the Autodesk Inventor LT Technology Preview. Getting to the third dimension is no longer limited to our Autodesk Inventor 2008 or R11 users.

Updating utilities so that a wider variety of mechanical designers can benefit is alive in the lab. Read more

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