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Maya plugins (2) : Ocean Deformer plugin and Wake Deformer Plugin

Maya plugins from

Ocean Deformer plugin

This deformer deform a y-up plane to ocean wave.


Copy the oceanDeformer.mll in a plug-ins directory.
ex)Maya4.5, 6.0.1
C:\Program Files\AliasWavefront\Maya4.5\bin\plug-ins
C:\Program Files\Alias\Maya6.0.1\bin\plug-ins
Copy the AEoceanDeformerTemplate.mel in a scripts/AETemplates directory.
ex)Maya4.5, 6.0.1
C:\Program Files\AliasWavefront\Maya4.5\scripts\AETemplates
C:\Program Files\Alias\Maya6.0.1\scripts\AETemplates

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Wake Deformer Plugin

This deformer generates wave around transform node, the defromer creates a circle wave from startTime attribute value to endTime attribute value step by deltaTime attribute.


Copy the wakeDeformer.mll in a plug-ins directory.

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Maya plugins (1) : SkinWeightsIO and TransferVertices

Maya plugins from

SkinWeightsIO (for Maya 8.5)

Import/Export of skinCluster-Weights. Writes out ASCII-File
  • select the Mesh
  • select skinCluster in channelBox
  • type skinWeightsIO -path -mode 0 (0 is write, 1 for read)
Example: skinWeightsIO -p "D:/stuff/test.txt" -m 1;

Or source skinWeightsIOUI.mel and type skinWeightsIOUI.

It reads the weights by name, not by index.
That means, the order, in which the influences are bound before importing, can differ from the one before exporting.
That means you exoprt, detach, change joint-hierarchy, import again, still working. that way you can also swap weights: export, change joint-names, import, change joint-names again, done! ... Download Now

TransferVertices (for Maya 8.5)

Copies vertex position of the the selected source object to selected destination vertices.
  • select vertices you want to be moved
  • ctrl-select the object from which you want to copy the vertex position in the outliner
  • type transfer Vertices -m 1
    (the m-parameter determines how much you want make the vertices go in the desired direction (e.g. -m 0.5 makes them go only halfway)
Both Objects should have the same topology. (Since this tool is mostly used for blendShapes, that'll be the case anyway).

Example (setup the scene, two spheres with same topology, one is deformed):

$src = `polySphere -r 1 -sx 100 -sy 100 -ax 0 1 0 -cuv 2 -ch 1`;
$dest = `duplicate -rr $src[0]`;
move -r -os -wd 5 0 0 $dest[0];
setAttr ($src[0] + ".scaleY") 3;
makeIdentity -apply true -t 0 -r 0 -s 1 -n 0 $src[0];
select -r ($dest[0] + ".vtx[0:3000]");
select -tgl $src[0];

Now execute the command:

transferVertices -m .5

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Here's the PlugIn-Version of Motion Equalizer for Maya 8.5.
About 20 times faster!

  • unpack rar-file
  • copy motionEqualizerUI.mel to your scripts-directory
  • copy motionEqualizer.mll to your plugIn-directory
  • restart maya
  • open
  • type motionEqualizerUI
  • select one or more Objects, that has animation on it (i.e. LThigh10)
  • select the attributes, you want to have affected in the channelBox
    (i.e. rx, ry, rz)
  • adjust the equalizer-slider-values
  • press process
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