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3D Studio Max Modeling tutorials

Football tutorial

Learn to make you own "real" soccerball in 3D Studio MAX. The method described in this tutorial is a bit more advanced then making a simple sphere and putting a texture map on it. This is because the type of ball described in this tutorial can be seen very close, and it has the small cracks between the small leather pieces that forms the ball...GO

Golf ball Tutorial

Well, this tutorial is going to teach you how to make a golfball. I will show you two different approaches on how to make 1) an dirt easy - pretty good looking golfball with subobject editing, and 2) a high poly golfball for closeup renderings with booleans...GO


Ok, first let me begin by making a simple assumption: you know MAX to the limit. No, I'm kidding, I'll just assume you know how to start-up MAX.The purpose of this tutorial is to learn some methods for making objects/models. I wish to teach you a few basic modeling techniques which you can apply for many objects/models and shapes, and for this tutorial we will use the mine from the ST-DS9 episode 'A Call to Arms'...GO

Making a Vase Using FFD's, Boolean Operations and a Cylinder in 3dsmax

The purpose of this tutorial is to give you working knowledge of FreeFormDeformation tools, and one of the uses for Boolean Operations, not to teach you how to make a vase. (There are many other easier ways to make a vase!) Pay special attention to the graphics and keywords that are in Bold Italics. Getting familiar with 3D Studio's interface is the key element in learning to model! If you have trouble finding something, STOP.....retrace your steps and make sure you are READING THE ENTIRE SENTENCE! If all else fails think for yourself. Use your critical thinking skills. MAX is pretty intuitive. The other key step to learning this program is understanding the vocabulary. Not just know the word associated with the button, but what it actually does and is used for. Often, tools in MAX can be used for thing you would never expect, and they can make your project much simpler...GO

Advanced Applications of the Surface Modifier

STEP 1: In order to model a pair of ears as a seperate piece, we must apply the surface modifier to generate a patch surface. This is one of the main advantages SURFACE TOOLS has over NURBS at the present 3-98, it can generate a patch surface based on 3 or 4 sided polygons. If you have never applied the surface modifier without the cross section modifier, then this is a good time to learn how the surface modifier works. This is where things get a little advanced. Before we can jump into modeling an ear, we must first review how the surface modifier works...GO

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